Round table on the topic «Joint Responsibility of the Medical College and Employers in the Training of Nursing Specialists at the Middle Level.»

On November 28, 2023, a round table was held at the medical college of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC, with the participation of employers aiming to train graduates with secondary medical education. The event was attended by the dean's office of the medical college, heads of departments, representatives from the regional clinical hospital, City Clinical Hospital No. 1, City Hospital No. 2, and students of the medical college.
Purpose: to discuss issues necessary for the successful development of graduates' competencies, familiarize them with their main activities, development prospects, and the current requirements that employers are placing on specialists.
The meeting was opened by the director of the medical college, A.M. Kushkarova, who presented the round table's program and emphasized that the primary purpose of the event was to exchange information on the development of social partnerships with medical institutions and improve the quality of training for students specializing in 'Nursing.'

At the round table, reports were presented by the head of the Department of 'Nursing-1,' M.M.S. Serikova B.D., on 'Improvement of the educational program of Nursing,' and by the head of the Department of 'Nursing-2,' Aibekova G.N., on 'Training specialists in the educational program 'Nursing' at the college level.' The reports provide a detailed assessment of the formation of competencies and the relationship between educational and professional standards.
Employers actively participated in the discussion on target training and subsequent employment issues.

In summarizing the results of the round table meeting, the main key issues of interaction with medical and preventive institutions were identified. The primary focus was on creating and developing a new system of relationships—social partnership. The essence of this partnership is that the education sector should train specialists and provide vocational training in line with the requirements of SOP standards. Simultaneously, employers should actively participate in the educational process, involving coordination of educational and methodological documentation, active engagement in pre-graduate and industrial practice, and the development of a mentoring system.
In conclusion, it was proposed to continue cooperation and regularly conduct round tables to further enhance cooperation programs.

01.12.2023, 15:31