Round table in honor of May 9, the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War The Great Patriotic War

In honor of the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Social Disciplines of the SKMA, together with the Turkestan Regional State Archives, held an online round table on the topic "Courage of medical workers in the Great Patriotic War."

Students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy took an active part in the work of the round table. Thanks to this, the specialists of the regional state archive and the teachers of the department told the young generation about the enormous contribution, courage and bravery of doctors who performed feats in the war, for instilling in them love for the motherland and patriotism.

The round table was moderated jointly by A. Erkinbekova, senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines, and KK Tasybekova, deputy head of the Turkestan Regional State Archive. The event began with congratulatory words and greetings to Zh.O. Nurzhanbayeva, head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines, and E.K. Salim, vice-rector of the SKMA on social issues and youth policy.

During the round table, very interesting reports were presented by specialists from the archive R. Khazretalikizi (on the topic “Nurses who rescued the wounded”) and Nurzhanova A.K. (on the topic "Their work is an example for the people, a lesson for the young"). They also made a report on the topic “Heroism of Kazakhstani doctors during the Second World War” Bekkulova AA, senior lecturer of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines, student NursalibiddinZh. (Topic “Doctors are heroes of our days”, group FOT 02- twenty). It should also be noted the poems dedicated to doctors and read by students Usen Uldana (theme "Victory", group ZhM 05-19), FazilMoldir (theme "Dedication to doctors", group ZhM 05-19).

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06.05.2021, 09:46