Round table held at the Department of «Microbiology, virology and immunology»

On March 18, 2022, the Department of «Microbiology, Virology and Immunology» held a round table on the topic: Discussion of the state and possibilities of prevention and diagnosis of Covid-19 in Kazakhstan.
The guests of the round table included: member of the CEP in the specialty «General Medicine» – G.N. Dosybaeva; member of the CEP in the specialty «Nursing» - A.A. Seydakhmetova; head of the Department "Public Health" - G.D. Sarsenbayeva; head of the "Bacteriological Laboratory" of the Shymkent City Infectious Diseases Hospital - K.D. Kulzhanova; head of the "Scientific Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory" - L.M. Beisebayeva.
At the round table, the head of the "Bacteriological Laboratory" of the Shymkent City Infectious Diseases Hospital, the head of the "Scientific Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory", teachers of the Department of "Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology", a master's student of the Department of "Biotechnology" of the named after M. Auezov SKSU and teachers of the Department of "Microbiology, Virology аnd Immunology" made their reports. Students were also present as listeners.
8 reports were read at the round table. The reports were presented in Kazakh, Russian and English.
Each guest of the round table shared their opinion and wished the participants success. The round table was held at a high level. A lot of information was received from the reports presented at the last round table.

26.03.2022, 11:16