Round table: "Corruption is a disease of society No corruption!

Corruption is a significant problem for the economic and political development of any country.
12.11.21. at the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social and Social Disciplines, at a joint meeting of the "Parasat" and "Zan" circles with the active participation of the head of the project office "Shymkent - adaldygalagy" Kambar Zhani Saidullauly, a round table was held on the topic «Corruption is a disease of society No corruption!»

The purpose of this event was the formation of anti-corruption consciousness among young people, focused on the rejection of corruption as a social phenomenon of the state and society, as well as the education of civic position and responsibility based on the assertion of universal values. During the event, which was held in an interactive form of questions and answers, various issues related to the eradication of corruption in universities were discussed, situations were considered, indicating in which cases of corruption were presented, and in which there were no.

The use of computer technologies made it possible for students to perceive the concept and types of legal responsibility for corruption in a holistic manner. The organizers of the event distributed specially prepared anti-corruption brochures. The brochures contained information on the official interpretation of corruption in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, signs of a bribe and an algorithm of actions in case of offering or extortion of a bribe.

The educational event was held within the framework of the "Ruhani zhagyru" program. Responsible for the event: head of the department, doctor PhD Nurzhanbaeva Zh.O., acting Associate Professor Aydarbekov G.S.

17.11.2021, 17:47