Results of academic mobility of the acting Professor of pharmacognosy Department Toхanbayeva Zh. S. in non-profit joint stock company " Semey Medical University»

In the period from 18.11.-29.11.2019 I, according to the letter of invitation of the Chairman of the Board-Rector of UC JSC "Semey Medical University" E. T. Zhunusov, was on the program of academic mobility at the Department of pharmacology doctor of medical sciences, professor N.M.Musin on the cycle of pharmacognosy for 4th year students of the School of pharmacy.

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During this period, I gave lectures and conducted laboratory and practical classes on topics, according to the approved schedule.

In addition, review thematic lectures for students of 2-5 courses of specialty "pharmacy" on topical issues of pharmacognosy were read.

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During the period of academic mobility for teachers and students of the school of pharmacy UC JSC "Semey Medical University" was held a master class on the topic: "principles of GCP in pharmacy. Provisions of the GACP in the field of cultivation of medicinal plants".

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Lectures and practical classes were conducted at a high professional level using various active teaching methods (PBL, TBL, RBL methods, small group work, brainstorming, etc.), as evidenced by the results of a survey of students and publications on the website of the UC JSC "Semey Medical University". For classes conducted using active teaching methods, the acts of implementation were obtained.

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In addition, in the 2019-2020 academic year scheduled production practice on pharmacognosy for students of 4 course of the ICC on the basis of JSC SKMA "Kaska-su", which was a draft agreement between the UC JSC "Semey Medical University" and JSC SKMA, which is under consideration and a Joint working program of industrial practice on pharmacognosy (the authors and developers: from the SKMA associate professor Zh.S.Toxanbayeva and the MUS assistant Babayeva G.S.).

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On research work is carried out and planned to write joint articles, selected objects for joint student research.

In addition, on November 21, the University hosted an intra-University student conference "Student and science", where I made a welcoming speech and participated as a member of the jury in the section "General and clinical pharmacology. Chemical, biochemical sciences and laboratory diagnostics".

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Management of UC JSC "Semey Medical University" in his letter of thanks expressed great appreciation and gratitude for the active cooperation, promotion and implementation of active teaching methods in the educational process and research activities of the school of pharmacy of his university.

associate professor of the department of pharmacognosy SKMA Zh.S.Toxanbayeva

09.12.2019, 11:20