Republican Distance Olympiad among teachers and students of «Abaytanu»

We get to know Abai’s poetic personality, soul, and dream through his poetry. The creative heritage of the great Abai is the spiritual treasury of our people, which has not erased its significance over the centuries. The word Abai is a talisman for the Kazakhs. Feeling that the main goal of the teacher is to popularize students' poems, words filled with initiatives of high inspiration, teachers of the department of general education disciplines of the Medical College at JSC SKMA took part in the republican distance Olympiad among teachers and students "Abaitanu", organized by the scientific and methodological magazine "Murager" in September 2023-2024 academic year and took part in the following nominations and took places:

ІІІ place diploma in the nomination “Best Article” – Serik Shuga Erlanovna.

Student of group S-МІҚ-9.01-23 Zhanabaeva Zarina Erzhanovna
1st place diploma in the nomination “World of the Great”

Student of group S-EІK-9.01 – 22 Izbaeva Aruzhan Bazaralovna - II place diploma in the nomination “World of the Great”

Student of group S-EІK-9.01 - 22 Ibragimali Aikhanym Abzalovna - Grand Prix for diploma in the nomination “Words of Edification of Abai”

Student of group S-EІK-9.01-22 Zhorabek Akniet Galymzhanovna - 1st place diploma in the nomination “Words of Edification by Abai”

Student of group S-EІK-9.01-22 Zhorabek Akniet Galymzhanovna - Grand Prix Diploma in the nomination “World of the Great”

Student of group S-STDK-9.01-22 Burkitbay Azim Oralkhanovich - 1st place diploma in the nomination “World of the Great”

Student of group S-OSK-9.01-22 Tazhimukan Zhaksylyk Shokanovich - Grand Prize in the nomination “World of the Great”.

Student of group S-OSK-9.01-22 Moldakhan Musabek Ruslanovich - 1st place diploma in the nomination “World of the Great”.

20.10.2023, 14:57