Report on the open lesson

Participants of the open lesson: methodologist, responsible for the specialty of medical care Alimkhan.A.G., head of the department Yeralkhan.A.K., teachers: Ilesova.Zh.T., Yuldashov.A.M., Makhambet.D.B.
Subject of the open lesson: "Organs of the general sense"
Educational objective: To study the structure and functional features of the sensory organs. Study of the structure and functional features of the organs of the general sense.
To form students' communication skills in small groups, to defend their point of view, to support discussions. The lesson is equipped with methodological complexes, projectors, models, torsos, atlases on this topic. The lesson began by defining the topic and purpose of the lesson. The teacher explained how the TBL lessons will be conducted and how the answers will be evaluated. Students prepared presentations on this topic. The teacher posed questions on the screen in the form of various games, which the students discussed and made a decision for 15 minutes. The students voiced and discussed the tasks. When summarizing the results, the teacher added additional points to the assessment sheet for the results of the assessment of teamwork and announced the scores. In the end, the students learned what they had learned, what skills they had acquired. Everyone was thanked.
Teachers expressed their opinion on the positive impact of students' work and knowledge, activity in the lesson, independence of decision-making when performing tasks, and the teacher's skills in conducting classes.
An open lesson was held on 20.12.23 in anatomy at the department of "Morphological disciplines" by the teacher Karimzhanova D.B.

28.02.2024, 16:48