REPORT of the Department of “Primary health care with the course of Obstetrics and Gynecology” on the results of organized events called “Today is the pledge of future” in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan
The idea of creating the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was first proposed by the President NursultanNazarbayev in 1992, at the First Forum of People of Kazakhstan, devoted to the first anniversary of Independence.
This unique institution that unites all ethnic groups in our country, always working on the creation, played a huge role in maintaining stability and sustainable development of the country.
In February 3-6, 2015 in Astana there were held celebrations to mark the start of the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.
The program of celebrations to mark the opening of the Year of the APK:
Feb. 3 (Tuesday)
- Lecture-presentation: “20-year history of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan”, ASU under the President of RK
- Presentation of ethno-political vocabulary “Terms and concepts of Kazakhstan policy and practice in the field ofsocial consensusand inter-ethnic tolerance”,National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Feb. 4 (Wednesday)
- Campaign “Taykazan” is a symbol of good deeds!”,Turkestan
Feb. 5 (Thursday)
During the day there will be the lecture-presentation “20-year history of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan”,11 universitiesof Astana
Feb. 6 (Friday)
- The solemn flag-raising ceremony of the Year of the APK. Flash – mob “Youth supports the future”, Square in front of the Palace of Peace and Harmony
- Exhibition-fair of applied art masters “People heritage”, Foyer of the Palace of Peace and Harmony
- Ceremonial start of the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Opera Hall of the Palace of Peace and Harmony
In 06.02.15 there was held a solemn synchronous campaign “Start of the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan”,it was organized in new administrative center of Shymkent which was attended by students from our academy.
“Across the country, there will start the Year of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstandeclared by my decree. All year we dedicate our greatest values: independence, liberty, unity, peace and harmony of the people of Kazakhstan. Today the APK is institute of popular representation, advance guard of civil society. Let the spirit of independence, unity and solidarity gives us the energy and belief in ourselves! We are one people, one nation, one destiny. Our Kazakhstan’s way is the way of peace, harmony and development”, -Saparbek Tuyakbayev read the greeting of President.
The Headof the Department, PhD, Associate Prof. Yugay N.V.
Responsible for educational work Aytbekova A.M.