Replacing nicotine with vitamin

Smoking of adolescents is currently one of the most important medical, social, psychological and pedagogical problems. Smoking electronic cigarettes is becoming more and more fashionable among schoolchildren. Vapes and electronic cigarettes are dangerous for underage youth. Many additives, such as tobacco products, contain nicotine, so all forms of negative effects on the body predispose to vaping.
Adolescence is a special period in physiological, psychological and social terms. The formation of bad habits is associated with certain social and independent prerequisites. Teenagers note such reasons for starting smoking as curiosity, the example of friends and adults, fear of being modern, lagging behind peers.
The main thing in the Great tasks facing every nation at any stage is the education of a healthy conscious generation that will continue its work, its life. It is a great duty to the society of the older generation to educate the future owners of the society comprehensively mature, wise, cultural and scientific. In this regard, on November 22, the Department of Pediatrics-2 of JSC YUKMA held an event "Replacing nicotine with vitamin" on the dangers of smoking with the participation of boys of grade 9.10 at the gymnasium No.65 named after Ybray Altynsarin in Shymkent. This event was attended by assistants of the department and students of the 4th and 5th courses.
At the beginning of the event, the first stage of speeches by assistants of the Department of Pediatrics-2 Onlasbekova G. M., Adilbekova A. T. took place.
The presentation on the effects of nicotine was defended by the students of the Omo 08-19 Adilov N. M. and Kenesbekova G.N.
The monologue "a mother who had high hopes for her only child " was read by a student of the Omo 08-19 group Khalikulova F. A.
At the end of the event, feedback was conducted with the students, the students asked their questions. Separate pamphlets were handed out to the students.
The school administration expressed great gratitude to the students of the UCMA and the staff of the department who held the event.

09.12.2022, 15:21