"Remember and be proud of your history"

On 1th March, in our republic is celebrated as a day of gratitude, according to the head of state, this day can become a bright holiday of charity, friendship and love of  Kazakhstanis to each other.In connection with this, a curatorial hour devoted to this holiday was held at the department of the OMPhB. With the report the student of 505 PhR A of group A.Pak has acted.

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"Remember and be proud of your history" is one of the main messages of the holiday. And one of the goals of this Day is the education of the rising generation of citizens for a sense of tolerance, friendliness and respect for each other, as well as the strengthening of inter-ethnic harmony and ethnic ties in Kazakhstan. In today's world, globalization is blurring boundaries, millions of people on the planet are considered migrants. Therefore, in the current century, the examination for tolerance will become the main exam for the people.

05.03.2018, 05:19