Religion is the basis and support of spiritual state!

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On March 30, 2016 at the Academy Hall there was organized an extended meeting on the theme Religion is the basis and support of spiritual state!”. The event was organized by Youth Policy Department and the Department “Public Health-1”.

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The meeting was attended by M.A. Buleshov, Professor, the Head of the Department “Public Health-1”; Y. Parymbekov, the deputy chief imam of the mosque of Al-Farabi district; S.S. Anarbayev, the chief imam of Tolebi district; I. Abulkhairov, a theologian – specialist of the Center of social initiatives; the members of public association “Club of mountains’ nature”; B.O. Ashirov, the deputy dean of the Faculty of Medicine; G. Alturayev, a student of the group 511 “B”; the heads of Departments and curators.

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At the meeting there were discussed some problems of extremism, terrorism, terrorist movements. The guests answered questions that were interesting for young people. This meeting will be shown on TV channel “Kazakhstan-Shymkent” (the number of involved students - 270).

02.04.2016, 05:26