Regional student scientific and practical conference “Vision of the future - a spiritual modernization”

On December 12, 2017 the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities has organized and held a regional student scientific and practical “Vision of the future - a spiritual modernization”, dedicated to the Day of the December events and the 26-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


A senior lecturer S.M.Taskymbayeva greeted the audience and told about the highlights of the history of formation and development of Kazakhstan, described the launch of two major upgrade processes - political reform and economic modernization in the 21st century. 


Under the leadership of President Nursultan Nazarbayev modern Kazakhstan has become a stable, developed country, there is a process of spiritual renewal of the Kazakhstan society, which opens up new prospects for our state. Strategy of development for public consciousness of Kazakhstan people is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the country in the international community. Here are the basic directions that were issued in 25 reports and presentations of students under the guidance of teachers. In this conference, there were made presentations by the students of the Miras University, AIU, South Kazakhstan pedagogical university, agro-economic college "Aksukent", Kazakh engineering-technical university Friendship of nations”.


According to the results of the conference, the places were distributed on following: 1st place – student of 206 A GM group, SKSPhA Zh. Omirkul, 2nd place – student of 106 B GM group SKSPhA M.Nurdildin, a student of IN-711К1 group Miras University A.Sagyndyk, 3rd place - student of B 110 GM group, SKSPhA A.Shyrynbek, student of KL-711К1 University Miras Sh.Duisen, student of АShМ-37-1 group of agroeconomic college A.Seitmukhammed and the rest were awarded certificates. 


Summing up the conference, acting associate Professor of the Department L.S. Mailybayeva., senior lecturer Z.Sh. Orazymbetova noted that each of us should contribute to the development and prosperity of our Republic.

13.12.2017, 00:08