Regional interuniversity methodological seminar "Use of active teaching methods in the educational system"

On March 18, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., the Departments of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and the History of Kazakhstan and Social Disciplines held a regional interuniversity methodological seminar on theme "Application of active learning methods in the educational system."
The purpose of the methodological seminar is to improve skills, independence, curiosity, creativity, develop the competencies of students and teachers through updated pedagogical technologies using effective methods and techniques in the educational process.
Special guests working in the field of education and science were invited to the methodological seminar: the dean of the theological faculty of Ahmet Yasawi University, doctor of philosophical and theological sciences, professor K.T.Dosai, Head of the Philosophy Department of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, faculty of philosophy and political science, candidate of political sciences, associate professor Suleimenov P.M., Head of the Philosophy Department of SKU, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Spanov M.Zh. and doctor PhD of SKPU Bitemirova Sh.A.
Presentations were made at the event by the dean of the theological faculty of Ahmet Yasawi University, doctor of philosophical and theological sciences, professor K.T.Dosai "Relations between religion and the state: modern approaches and values of the secular approach", by the doctor PhD of SKPU Bitemirova Sh.A. "Quality education and conscious education of students", by the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of SKMA Mailybayeva L.S. “The place of national values in the education and upbringing of students”, by the senior lecturer of SKMA Mahatova L.T. "Means of increasing the interest and activity of students”.
As a result of the methodological seminar, it was proposed to introduce modern teaching technologies into the educational process, as well as to increase the significance and range of application of special technologies and techniques in the informatization of the education sector.

24.03.2022, 18:18