Regional, inter-university methodological online seminar « Cyberpedagogy: Challenges and Development Prospects in Higher Education»

On November 24, 2021, with the participation of two departments of "History of Kazakhstan and socio-social disciplines" and "Socio-humanitarian disciplines", teachers from the universities of Shymkent (M. Auezov University) and Almaty ,a regional, interuniversity methodological online seminar was held on the topic " Cyberpedagogy: Challenges and Development Prospects in Higher Education ".
A presentation on this issue was made by PhD, Professor of M.Auezova Zholdasbekova S.A. who introduced the theory of the question, stopped at a detailed explanation of cyberbedagogy as a new section of pedagogical science, which sets out the methodology of automatic program control of learning using a computer, in contrast to the traditional pedagogy that has developed for centuries, considering the methodology of intuitive manual guidance of learning by a teacher, the main methods and means of distance learning, the implementation of distance learning in modern realities, the main specific principles of which can be considered as the following: interactivity, openness, flexibility.

Then the acting associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and socio-social Disciplines Aidarbekova G.S. made a report on the topic"Aralasokytu format nazhanakozkaras".She analyzed the online seminars of the educational movement "Cyber-teacher-5", talked about how to improve the quality of the educational process in mixed learning, focusing on the development of "soft" skills (personal qualities) of the individual, new 4 roles of a teacher in a mixed format, namely, mentor, coach, psychologist and consultant. The speeches were continued by the senior lecturer of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Abdrasilova S.T. with a report on the topic "Kazirgibilimberuzhuyesindegitsifrlandyru-cyberbedagogy of maselesi. In her report, she focused on the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-JomartTokayev from September of this year on the digitalization of all spheres of society, including education.Further, the lecturer spoke about the use of the following methods in online and traditional teaching formats: case studies, audio recordings, diagrams, interactive whiteboard. The following speakers took part in the debate: Head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Ashirov Sh., seniorlecturer of social and humanitarian disciplines OrazymbetovaZ.Sh.The results were summed up by the head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Socio-social Disciplines NurzhanbayevaZh.O., who spoke about the need to maximize the use of new principles, techniques and technical means in the educational process, improving the effectiveness of training through the introduction of innovative educational technologies.
1.    Conclusion sandsuggestions:
2. The main point in pedagogical technologies of distance learning is the visualization of thought, information, knowledge, the creation of new ways of pedagogical communication, the adjustment of traditional forms of organization of educational activities. Innovative forms of organization of the educational process provide new opportunities for the development of creative abilities of students, constantly stimulating their personal growth.
3. Distance learning is reaching a qualitatively new level. It has become possible to implement the basic principles of modern education defined by UNESCO: "education for all" and "lifelong learning".
4. To increase the effectiveness of distance learning, it is necessary to use the most active forms and methods, including case technology (distance learning technology based on the use of sets (cases) of text, audiovisual and multimedia teaching materials and their distribution for self-study by students when organizing constant interaction between the teacher and students remotely), as well as to focus on the development of personal qualities of the teacher soft-skills, such as emotional intelligence, constructive interaction with other people.

30.11.2021, 00:23