Ramet Mombekovich Ospanov congratulations on your 75th anniversary!

On October 20, Ramet Mombekovich Ospanov, Professor of the Department of surgical disciplines and medical Sciences, turned 75!

Ramet Mombekovich, we sincerely congratulate You on your anniversary and sincerely wish You good health, prosperity, and even greater success in your surgical career!

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Ramet Mombekovich Ospanov was born in 1945. In 1970, he graduated the faculty of Pediatrics of the Alma-ATA state medical Institute. In 1970-1971, he completed an internship at the South Kazakhstan regional hospital in the specialty "Children's surgery". In 1971-1988, he worked as a surgeon at the city hospital №6 in Shymkent (renamed the city emergency hospital in 1976). During this period, he was appointed head of the surgical Department and burn center of the city emergency hospital. In 1988-1993, he worked as the head of the planned surgery Department of the medical unit "Phosphorus", and from 1993 to 1995 - a surgeon at the regional clinical hospital of Shymkent. R.M. Ospanov is a doctor of the highest category in the specialty "General surgery". In 1995, he was transferred to the Department of surgery of the Shymkent state medical Institute and still works as an docent at the SKMA.

Ospanov Ramet Mombekovich in 1985 received the academic title of "candidate of medical Sciences", and in 2005 - the degree of "docent" in the specialty "medicine". In 2019, R. M. Ospanov was awarded the title of "Professor of the Academy".

R.M. Ospanov published 50 scientific papers, including 5 in journals recommended by Committee for control in education and science of RK, 3 articles published abroad, 8 in the proceedings of international conferences, 15 in the other scientific journals of Kazakhstan. He has 3 patents and one copyright certificate. Over the years, I have published 2 textbooks in the Kazakh language and 1 monograph (2018).

Ramet Mombekovich Ospanov is a very hardworking, responsible teacher and scientist, and is respected by students and colleagues.

Let me heartily congratulate you on your anniversary!

I wish you peace and good,

Let your family be happy,

And autumn beauty enters the house.

May every day bring you good luck,

And you are surrounded by children!

19.10.2020, 08:52