"Quality Control and Standardization of Medicinal Products" Internship at the base of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy

On the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation on Academic Mobility between the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev and the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, 4th year students of the EP "Pharmacy" were sent to undergo an internship "Quality control and standardization of medicines" for a period of two weeks from 06/29/2023 to 06/09/2023. accompanied by the head of the practice Pharm. n., acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Tursubekova Bayan Izteleuovna.
At the place of arrival, a meeting was held with the vice-rector of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev on scientific and medical work N. Mamatov, head of the department of international relations T. Yusupova, specialist of the practice department V. Sultanalieva, head of the department A. Muratalieva, teacher D. Ermekova.

The production practice of our students was held on the basis of the Central Control and Analytical Laboratory (CCL) of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The head of the Central Clinical Laboratory Sansyzbaev T. acquainted the students with the system of quality control and standardization of medicines in the Kyrgyz Republic, the organization and equipment of the workplaces of the pharmacist-analyst and other laboratory staff.

The head of the practice from the base of the TsKAL was appointed head. on the quality of TsKAL Takinova Ch., who acquainted with the professional tasks of a pharmacist-analyst, with safety precautions in the laboratory, with the requirements of regulatory documents for quality control and safety of medicines.
During the internship, students consolidated the skills and practical skills of conducting pharmaceutical analysis in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents: chemical and physico-chemical methods of identification, analysis of purity and quantitative determination; development of regulatory documents, issues of examination of medicines during registration. For example, students conducted a complete pharmacopoeial analysis of injection solutions, various types of tablets, ointments and other drugs.

Students visited the museum of plastination and history of KSMA after getting acquainted with the sights of the university, the students were sent to the base of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines, as well as to the base of the Central Control and Analytical Laboratory of the Department of Medicines and Medical Devices under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The cultural program was interesting, within the framework of which the students visited the sights of Ataturk Park, Dostyk Park, the sculpture exhibition of Timur Rustamov and others.
The staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and students sincerely thank the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity to have an internship in the Kyrgyz Republic.

12.07.2023, 16:34