Protect yourself from tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a global health problem all over the world, given the magnitude of the spread, it deserves special attention. Among the infectious diseases tuberculosis takes first place as the cause of death, especially among high-risk groups (people with HIV, migrants, socially unprotected convicted). Student youth is a separate social group of risk for tuberculosis.

Another curatorial hour was organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry for students of pharmaceutical faculty and the college of medicine on the theme "Protect yourself from tuberculosis".

M.A. Iskakova, a specialist of youth health center, performed for the students tuberculosis symptoms, causes and prevention of disease, as a result it was a survey on theme "What do you know about tuberculosis?".

The students were interested in the speech of L.M. Beisebayeva, the head of the clinical and diagnostic laboratory, about the various forms of the infection, lesion of other organs (bone, brain, kidneys), the reasons for the development, the diagnosis of the pathogen with the morphological features (microscopic examination, fluoroscopy, etc.), socially vulnerable categories of the population, complications with self-treatment, drug resistance of some drugs in the early diagnosis of the disease cure, prevention of the disease, maintaining healthy lifestyles, personal hygiene and eating habits.

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L.O. Baykonsova, the doctor-epidemiologist, presented and familiarized students with the mechanism of tuberculosis development, distribution and course of the disease, she also revealed epidemiological situation of tuberculosis, the defeat of infection in the world and in Kazakhstan, the social nature of the disease.

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R.F. Volkova, a nurse of first-aid post of academy, told about the personal and public hygiene compliance, proper and timely diet, annual fluorography.

Students of groups 501PhKA, PhKB showed the video film about the pathogens of the disease, the period of development, prevention, precautions in contact with tuberculosis patients, about healthy lifestyles at the end of the curatorial hour.

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Today the problem of tuberculosis remains actual in modern conditions. It is necessary to carry out targeted health education among students to prevent tuberculosis, which is particularly important to prevent a recurrence of the disease.

25.09.2016, 22:41