Project-based learning is a training system that meets the requirements of the credit system of training, can meet the tasks set by modernity, and can completely complete the current process.
The Department of Pharmacognosy of the South-Kazakhstan Medical Academy also uses it in its educational systems for the preparation of students of higher educational institutions, the possibilities and practical significance of the development of students' skills are considered.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, the students of the educational program "Pharmacy" groups B-PKA-01-21, and B-PKB-01-21 are studying at the department "Pharmacognosy" according to the project-oriented method of training introduced in the subject "Pharmacognosy" is carrying out project work.
As part of the project-based learning program, the following topics were studied:
1. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis of the root of common oleander, growing in the flora of South Kazakhstan and used in folk medicine;
2. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis of the herb Ziziphora Bunge kiikoty, used in folk medicine, growing in the flora of South Kazakhstan;
While working on the project, students were divided into small groups and assigned topics for study. Each participant group has a defined task. The leader of each group was appointed, and the teacher acted as a project consultant. That is, active students with leadership qualities were selected as leaders.
Tasks performed by project participants (students) were divided using the project responsibility distribution matrix. The Gantt chart was created to optimize project management. The scheme shows the works performed according to the project and the deadlines for their completion.

In addition, the students received special advice from the employees of the "Distance Education Technologies" department on the use of the Trello board, a program that allows effective management of project works, and used it in their projects.

Currently, the Trello board is one of the popular systems that allow you to manage project work and work processes online. This system was created using the Japanese management principle based on "just-in-time" implementation and equal distribution of tasks among project participants. Whiteboard allows you to add files, to-do lists, and more to facilitate teamwork. allows you to do a lot of work. After receiving the program, students entered their project work into a Trello board.

On October 24, 2023, the department conducted an interim report on the project-oriented training program.
In the first stage of the research work, a literature review and a patent search were conducted on the studied topics. Searches were conducted on Scopus, elibrary, Web of Science, and other databases.
In the second stage, students performed macroscopic and microscopic methods based on the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On December 6th-8th, 2023, the first international forum of young scientists and students was held within the walls of JSC “SKMA”. On December 6, 2023, a competition of scientific projects of young scientists and students was held within the framework of the forum. For the scientific project, students engaged in project-oriented learning from the department of pharmacognosy presented their research projects: 3rd-year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" - Kerimkul Zhansaya, "Pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis of the common spray plant used in folk medicine growing in the flora of South Kazakhstan" and Baimyrzaeva Aigerim, made a report on the project "Pharmacognostic and phytochemical analysis of Ziziphora Bunge kiikot plant".

On December 7-8, within the framework of the forum, the X International Scientific Conference of young scientists and Students "Prospects of development of biology, medicine and pharmacy" was held in offline and online format.
At the sectional meeting of the Department of Pharmacognosy "Natural drugs and prospects for their use", students of project-oriented learning published articles on their projects and gave reports at the sectional meeting. The reports of the students were made at a high level. The content of their presentation on the topics was so interesting and comprehensive that it created a lively discussion among the audience.

As a result of the conference, Alikhanova Umida, a student of group B - PKA-01-21, was awarded a III degree diploma on the topic "Pharmacognostic analysis of Ziziphora Bunge kiikot herb".

On December 12, 2023, students defended the second interim report of their project during project-oriented training.
In the second stage, students performed macroscopic and microscopic, as well as commodity analysis based on the methods listed in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and determined the anatomical and morphological features and quantitative indicators of the studied objects.

During the interim report, the head of the "Pharmacognosy" department, acting Professor Orynbassarova K., professor of the department of the basics of phytotherapy Pupykina K. BSMU (Ufa) with the course of Pharmacognosy and Botany and Kemelbekov U. a senior researcher at the "Medicinal plants scientific research" laboratory expressed their opinions and gave positive evaluations.

In addition, the project leaders are senior lecturers Ibragimova Z., and Abilova A. They emphasized that during the project work, he noticed that students' searchability, that is, the ability to work with literature (selecting the necessary information), the ability to create a plan, and the skills of keeping records were developed. And research ability, analytical thinking, analysis of problem situations, analysis of results, ability to conclude, work with MS Excel, creativity (designing presentations, etc.), defending a report in the audience, etc. They emphasized that many skills have been developed.

In conclusion, it was concluded that the implementation of project-oriented learning in the educational process of the department contributes to the accumulation of work experience of students in a team, significantly accelerates the educational process, and enables the revitalization of scientific research activities of students.

26.12.2023, 11:30