Production practice of modern education: Kazakhstan and international experience

On October 2, 2015 methodical conference under the title “Production practice of modern education: Kazakhstan and international experience” was held on the basis of production practice of 3-4-year students of pharmaceutical faculty of SKSPhA, jointly organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry (PhTCh), as well as the department of organization and management of pharmacy (OMPh).

The conference program consisted of a discussion of the objectives, tasks, process of made practical work and production practice outcomes with students-trainees, supervisors of practice and the stuff of the Academy.

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Akhmetova A. A., development and innovation vice-principal of SKSPhA, in her welcoming speech emphasized the importance of production practice in forming professional competences of future experts.

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Students practiced the practical training “The general pharmaceutical practice (Department of OMPh) on the bases of: SUE "Bashfarmaciya" (Ufa, Russia), LP "Viva Pharm" (Almaty), LP SPU "Zerde" (Shymkent). A. Seyіlbek, B. Mirsadykov (509 PhR "A"), A. Karbekova (502 PhK "B") provided the outcomes of the practice.

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A. Mirhalikov (407 PhR "A") reported about the results of production practice "Pharmacy organization" (Department OMPh), which was held on the bases of Karaganda (Pharmacy, LP "Amanat").

In practical training “Forensic and chemical examination and analytical diagnostics” (Department of PhTCh) bases were: RSE "Centre of Forensic Medicine" (Astana) and its regional branches (Almaty, Karaganda, Shymkent); toxicology department at the emergency hospital AGIUV (Almaty); RCHO toxicological department named after T. Orynbayev (Shymkent). An interesting and informative presentation on the practice was presented by W. Bedebay (502 PhK"B") and A. Nurtaeva (509 PhR "B").

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Students M. Duysenova (501 PhK "A") and S. Baymenova (507 PhR "A") reported about the results of production practice "Quality and certification control of drugs" which was in the test center on the bases of NCDE (Almaty) and its regional centers (Astana, Karaganda, Taraz, Shymkent), test center of CCD and RS JSC "Himfarm» «Santo member of Polpharma Group» (Shymkent).

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In accordance with the Memorandum about cooperation students of academy had got practice “Quality control and certification of drugs” in foreign universities-partners: Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences (UVPhS, Brno, Czech Republic); Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of First MSMU named after I.M. Sechenov (Moscow); Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of Bashkir State Medical University (BSMU) and testing laboratories for DQC SDH "Lekkontrol" (Ufa, Russia).

The main criteria for selection of students to foreign bases, in addition to English language skills there were a great achievement, responsibility, organization and communication skills. A. Yermekova, A. Karimov (509 PhR "A") shared their impressions about the production practice in UVPhS, in BSMU - E. Porokhnya (FR 508 PhR "A"), K. Balabi (503 PhK "A").

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The audience was interested in the presentation of students A. Samarina (508 PhR "A") , A. Otegenov, and Z. Turymbet (509 PhR "A") on the results of production practice on the basis of I MSMU.

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During the production practice students demonstrated their theoretical knowledge and practical skills performing a complete physical, chemical and physico-chemical analysis of drugs with the help of high-tech equipment.

For the first time Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry accepted 4-year students of pharmaceutical faculties of the I MSMU named after Sechenov and BSMU for production practice “Quality and certification control of drugs” in the framework of exchange programs and academic mobility of students. This was a report presented by Danilina A.Y., undergraduate I y.t., teacher PhTCh Department.

According to curriculum, developed jointly with the departments of the universities-partners, students performed a complete analysis of the pharmacopoeia of different medicines. They strengthened the practical skills through spectrophotometer "SPh-2000" (Russia), «PD-303S» (Japan), photometer KFK-3 "30m3" (Russia), highly effective liquid  chromatophore model «Sykam», biological 3D -microscope "MT 4000 / MT5000 Meiji Techno », etc.

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Students completed the full program of production practice, and after returning to their universities they shared their impressions about practice and the practical skills learned in articles posted on the websites of universities and in the local media, where noted the high level of organization of the practice, as well as an impressive and advanced equipment of laboratory of  PhTCh department and others departments of the academy.

Such employers as H. D. Alzhanova, director of the Association of pharmaceutical and medical organizations of SKO "Damu", J. Sh. Uglanov, an expert chemistry of SKO branch of the RSE "Center of Forensic Medicine" JM of RK, D. Khamidullina, specialist on staff training of JSC "Himfarm» «Santo member of Polpharma Group» and others participated actively in the conference.

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Undergraduate students were invited to the conference. The performing materials were a good stimulus and motivation for excellent achievement and gaining practical skills.

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K. D. Shertaeva, professor, head of the department of organization and management of the pharmacy, S.K. Ordabayeva, professor, head of the department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry summed up the conference and shared the problems of the organization of production practice, the expansion of the number of bases for practice and parting words for freshman class students.

For the next 2015-2016 academic year negotiations about the organization of production practice in the European and Russian universities-partners and other production bases of pharmaceutical profile of the country are under way.

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12.10.2015, 23:54