Priority research areas of quality control and chemical and toxicological analysis of drugs

III International scientific conference of young scientists and students “Prospects of biology, medicine and pharmacy development” was held on December 9-10, 2015. It was jointly organized by the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation and South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy.

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In the section “The priority research areas of quality control and chemical-toxicological analysis of drugs” there were presented 16 reports and 28 articles.

A.K. Abdiyeva, head of sanitary department of SKO RSE “CSM” participated at the session.

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At the session the scientific works of 3-5 year students of SKSPhA, undergraduates of SKSU named after M.Auezov and SKSPhA were presented and the 8-9th  grades students of Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools made their first steps in science.

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During the sectional meeting young scientists presented the research results in the field of pharmaceutical analysis of poorly known drugs, validation of methods of quantitative determination of new biologically active compounds, development of methods of isolation and analysis of toxicants from the biological material, phytochemical analysis and standardization of medicinal plants and general chemical technology.

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After the discussion all participants of the meeting section were awarded certificates. Competitive commission on the basis of the criteria for the reports, all comments and proposals, secret vote was conducted, the results of which the best oral presentations were presented for the organizing committee of the conference.

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In the closing of the conference there was declared the best oral scientific works of each section. In the section “The priority research areas of quality control and chemical-toxicological analysis of drugs” the best scientific works became “The identification of sulfanylurea isolated from the biological matrix” by the student 403 PhK group M. Mirsoatova.

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and “The elemental and quantitative analysis of the roots of Rhodiola Semenovii (Boriss)” by the postgraduate student - G.Zh. Nurkhanova.

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17.12.2015, 00:18