Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of medicines

As part of the First International Forum of Young Scientists and Students, teachers of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and students of the scientific circle “Pharmacy of the Future” took part in a competition of scientific projects and in the work of the X International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “Prospects for the Development of Biology, medicine and pharmacy".
At the competition, out of 18 scientific projects of young scientists, the 5 best were selected. Among which was our team of students from the project-oriented group: Dilnoza Rakhmonova, Diana Isabayeva, Karina Kuznetsova and Ekaterina Nezvanova. A scientific project on the topic “Development of an effective and safe combined herbal preparation with antiparasitic activity based on domestic plant raw materials” aroused great interest among the head of the Galamat Group holding, Sypabekov S.

At the plenary session of the international conference there were interesting reports from our partners - leading scientists from Moscow and India: Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, General Director of CFA LLC, editor-in-chief of the scientific and production journal "Development and Registration of Medicines" shared his experience in preparing international-level scientific articles on pharmaceutical sciences, and Kalirajan Rajagopal from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the College of Pharmacy of the Academy of Higher Education and Research shared the results of scientific research on the topic “In-silico design, synthesis of some novel chrome derivatives and evaluation of their anti-SARS- COV-2 activity".

The sectional meeting “Priority directions of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of drugs” in offline and online modes brought together the department’s partner universities: these are students, master’s students, doctoral students of the First Moscow State Medical University named by I.M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russian Federation), Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa, Russian Federation), Medical University named by Sh. Beheshti (Tehran, Iran), Academy of Higher Education and Research (Mysuru, India), Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Kyrgyz Medical Academy named by Akhunbaev (Bishkek, KR), Tajik State Medical University named by Abuali Ibni Sino (Dushanbe, TR), Comenius University (Bratislava, Slovakia), Palacky University (Olomouc, Czech Republic).

From domestic universities, reports were made by young scientists from the Astana Medical University, the Karaganda Medical University, the Kazakh-Russian Medical University and South Kazakhstan State University named by M. Auezov.

According to all conference participants, the work of the section was held at a high scientific level, reports were heard in various areas of pharmaceutical science: research on quality control and standardization of active pharmaceutical substances and drugs of natural and synthetic origin, chemical-toxicological and toxico-clinical studies, issues of pharmaceutical ecology, molecular modeling of new biologically active compounds, prediction and confirmation of pharmacological activity, work on the synthesis of biologically active compounds, as well as research results of a student scientific circle and a group of students as part of project-based learning.

At the sectional meeting, the reports that aroused intense interest and discussion among the participants were recognized as the best in terms of reported results, relevance and practical significance, content, presentation design, knowledge and ability to present material for discussion.

The best student works were:
1. Tursunova Fairuza
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan
2. Tkachenko Daria
First Moscow State Medical University named by I.M. Sechenov, Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation
3. Mukhtar Zhanibek, Zhumataeva Dilnaz
NJSC "Medical University of Karaganda", School of Pharmacy, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Among the scientific research works of young scientists, the following were nominated:
1. Mitrofanova Lidiya
«Pharmaceutical Analytics Center» LLC, Moscow, Russian Federation
2. Ali Jabbarzadeh
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, I.R.Iran.
3. Pozdnyakova Anastastia
Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan.

Professor Ordabayeva S.K., as the moderator of the meeting, sincerely thanked all participants for their active participation with their own reports, for their patience and discussion of works in the discussion, as well as the interest shown in our conference by all foreign and domestic partners of the department.
Thanks to the joint efforts of the event organizers, partners and speakers, valuable information about advanced scientific achievements in the field of pharmacy at the international level became available to a large number of participants in the First Forum of Young Scientists and Students. The active work of the section “Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of drugs” allowed many conference participants to plan meetings and negotiations with interested participants and experts of the Forum, as well as to effectively present their own projects and ideas.

19.12.2023, 14:42