Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of medicines

Within the framework of the annual international scientific conference of young scientists and students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy", a sectional meeting "Priority areas of pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological research of drugs" was held offline and online.
All partner universities of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the Academy took part in the work of the section: these are young scientists, undergraduates, doctoral students of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov (Moscow, Russian Federation), Bashkir State Medical University (Ufa, Russian Federation), Medical University named after Sh. Beheshti (Tehran, Iran), Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Kyrgyz Medical Academy named after Akhunbaev (Bishkek, KR), Avicenna Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali Ibni Sino (Dushanbe, TR). From domestic universities, reports were made by young scientists of KazNU named after Al Farabi, KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov, MU "Astana", SKSU named after M. Auezov.

In the opinion of all conference participants, the work of the section was held at a high scientific level, reports were listened to in various areas of pharmaceutical science: studies on quality control and standardization of active pharmaceutical ingredients and drugs of natural and synthetic origin, chemical-toxicological and toxico-clinical studies, issues of pharmaceutical ecology, molecular modeling of new biologically active compounds, prediction and confirmation of pharmacological activity, work on the synthesis of biologically active compounds, as well as the results of research by Academy students as part of project-based learning, etc.

By decision of the organizers, two reports were sent to the plenary session, the relevance and scientific novelty of which aroused great interest of the audience. This is a report by Tahere Mashkhadizade on the topic "Development, synthesis and biological evaluation of a new 4-oxo-4-(2-stearoylhydrazinyl)-2-butenoic acid as inhibitors of fatty acid amide hydrolase". Turenko Vladislav also reported on the results of the research “Standardization and quality control of a miRNA-containing drug for the treatment of a new coronavirus infection”.

At the sectional meeting, the reports that aroused great interest and discussion of the participants were recognized as the best in terms of the reported results, relevance and practical significance, content, creative design of the presentation, knowledge and ability to present material for discussion:
• Eisa Kaveh Vernousfaderani on the topic “Potential mechanism of Сuscuta Epithymum in effecting colorectal major diseases: customizing network pharmacology analysis with traditional medicine”, student of the Moscow State University. Sh. Beheshti;
• Roman Terekhov "Stereochemical analysis of dihydroquercetin by high performance liquid chromatography", a young scientist of the First Moscow State Medical University by I. M. Sechenov.

According to Usamanalieva Z.U., Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, who represented TashFarmI and was the moderator of the breakout session, the reports of young scientists of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the Academy were no less successful. Teacher Musabekov Zh.T. reported the results of a study on the developed methods for isolating amlodipine from biomaterial. Graduate student Bakhytkyzy G. shared the work done on the development of a liquid chromatography technique for phytopreparations of wormwood. Master student Nursultankyzy M. shared the problems of pharmaceutical ecology and environmental protection. The papers of the 4th year students of the Academy on the results of research in the framework of project-based learning, the level of work performed, the content and design of the presentations, the knowledge of the material and the ability to attract the audience, D. Isabayeva, D. Rakhmanova, E. Dyuzhechkina and K. Kuznetsova indifferent of all participants.

Ordabayeva S.K. as the moderator of the meeting, sincerely thanked all the participants for their active participation with their own reports, for their patience and discussion of the work in the discussion, as well as the interest shown in our conference by all foreign and domestic partners of the department.

14.12.2022, 17:57