«Prevention of early pregnancy»

On November 30, 2023, in the 5th building of our college, the Department of General Education held a meeting among girls on the topic "Prevention of early pregnancy". Resident doctors of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of adults and Children K. S. Kerimbai, M. G. Zhapparova, Kv. M. Ongar, M. A. Mirzayeva, G. Zh. Kermanshayeva, A. B. were invited to the meeting. Zhusupova talked about how to prevent pregnancy at an early age, and also explained the topic in detail by doctors, showing slides, videos to students of 1-2 courses in Kazakh and Russian about how harmful early pregnancy among girls is in society.
The purpose of the meeting: The prevention of early pregnancy explained to young people that this is alien to our customs and customs, in the future, society faces a great responsibility for the vital activity of the nation, realizing that this is wrong. The development of society and the prosperity of the state are in the hands of expectant mothers, and also depend on the upbringing of girls. How to prevent pregnancy at an early age during a meeting? The risks of early pregnancy? Family planning? What is the danger of early pregnancy?- Regarding the question, the students exchanged opinions with the young girls through important questions and answers. The specialists also answered the personal questions of our students.

01.12.2023, 14:44