«Prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism» and «Encouraging youth to workout»

A joint meeting of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy with the department of general education and student youth was held on the topic «Prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism, attracting youth to sports.» The meeting was attended by a doctor-narcologist of the Mental Health Center of the city of Shymkent: Meruert Odaman
Coach of the Shymkent School of Sports Excellence No.3: Sadykov Bakhtiyar
Gold medalist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pencak Silat Championship among teenagers and youth, athlete of the Shymkent City School of Sportsmanship No.3 Sultanbekova Madina took part.
During the meeting, the harmfulness of drug addiction was discussed, ways to avoid drug addiction were discussed, representatives of healthcare policy encouraged students to workout and questions of students were answered.

13.03.2024, 10:46