Prevention of crime, offences and drug abuse among young people; family and religious values

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On September 20, 2016 according to administration plan of Al-Farabi akim, at the Academy Hall there was held a meeting on prevention of crime, offences and drug abuse among young people, in order to explain family and religious values; the event was  organized by youth policy department.

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M. Tazhibayev, the deputy akim of Al-Farabi region, Y. Karymbekov, naib imam of the mosque “Dauytuly Shyngysbaykazhy”, Zh. Askhatuly,  a theologian - specialist of Religious Office of SKR, Research center of religious problems, N.Y. Stolyarova,  a narcologist of Regional Narcological Dispensary, N.Zh. Zhumabayev,  a dean of Pharmacy Faculty, Professor took part in this meeting. Students received answers to their questions, they were familiarized with new information on this problem (the number of covered students - 270).

Youth policy department

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28.09.2016, 02:50