«Prevention of breast cancer is easier than treatment. Global Breast Cancer Awareness».

In the Joint-stock company of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy  based on a letter from the youth health center, the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, together with the City Oncology Center, conducted an unscheduled problem open lecture on the topic «Prevention of breast cancer is easier than treatment. Global Breast Cancer Awareness». 

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In October, the global month for the fight against breast cancer begins, which was declared by the World Health Organization in 1993, and therefore, every month in October, a month is held around the world to increase malnutrition for breast cancer for early detection, treatment and palliative care for cancer patients.

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The event was attended by the Deputy Dean of Pharmacy, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sapakbai M.M, leading specialist of the Medical Clinic Zh.K. Kudabayeva, teaching staff of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology, onko-mammolog of  city oncologic dispensary Myrzakhmetov R.T and students of the faculty «General medicine» (306 a, 306 B,301 groups).

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During the lecture, the head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Z.А  Kerimbaeva noted the relevance, causes, goals and objectives of timely diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Currently, the urgent problem is the timely detection of breast cancer. WHO promotes comprehensive programs to combat this disease.

Onco-mammolog  Mirzazhmetov R.T.  noted, that breast cancer is the most common cancer pathology in women. One of the main tasks is the early diagnosis of the disease. The correct way of life and the elimination of risk factors can reduce the likelihood of the disease, and the diagnosis of cancer in the first stage can cure the patient in 98% of cases.

The participants discussed the timely diagnosis, treatment process and the effects of breast cancer, examined the clinical cases of the disease. Brochures were given to the listeners “Pain in the mammary gland in questions and answers.

As a result of the lecture, students learned new information and effects of breast cancer. 

The lecture was informative and useful for the audience.

23.10.2018, 07:27