Prevention of auto-destructive situations

On May 10, 2024, teachers of the department "History of Kazakhstan and socio-public disciplines" of the SKMA held a conversation with students on the topic "Prevention of auto-destructive suicidal situations and strengthening of spiritual and moral values among youth and adolescents"
One of the pressing problems that makes you think today is the suicide of a person (suicide). Recently, we often find that some adults, our youth, are experiencing psychological stress.
Senior teachers Kabyl A., Makhatova L. T. expressed their views on this issue in a personal form, analyzed various questions asked by the parties at a high level, comprehensively developed concepts.
Teachers of the department, who were part of the organizing board,together with members of the Circle"law club" and students of Group 11-23 a, b of the Indian state Medical University, who joined at their own request, conducted a conversation lesson.

13.05.2024, 18:20