Press-release of the International Conference "Interdisciplinary Neurology"
On November 9-10, 2023 the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation and Neurosurgery of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy held the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Interdisciplinary Neurology.
The conference was opened by Rector Professor M.M. Rysbekov, with welcoming remarks in online mode were made by Aukenov Nurlan Erdenovich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of Medical Science and Innovative Technologies Department of Science and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Jusupova Gul Gabdulualitovna, Director of Information Security and Protection of State Secrets Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
With welcoming words to the participants of the conference addressed the chief freelance neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the RK S. Turuspekova - Head of the Department of Nervous Diseases of KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov, V. Belopasov - Dr. M.Sc, Professor of the Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery with a course of postgraduate education of Astrakhan State Medical University, A. Gasparyan - Professor of the Department of Research and Development of the University of Birmingham, Dudley, UK, A. Romanova - Director of the Yakutsk Scientific Center of Complex Medical Problems of Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Then the Plenary session "Modern aspects of interdisciplinary neurology" was held, where Professors S.Turuspekova, V.Belopasov, G.Dushchanova, A.Gasparyan spoke, from Great Britain were E.Pavlova - leading researcher of metabolic research department of the University of Cambridge, Valentina Escontt-Price - Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Center for Psychiatric Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Cardiff University, T.Popova - D.M.Sc., Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Research, Yakutsk Scientific Center for Complex Medical Problems, Professor A.Zuev -D.M.Sc., Head of the Center for Neurosurgery, Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, Moscow. In the symposium "Orphan diseases of the nervous system: achievements, problems, prospects" spoke: Uqur Uyqunoglu, Professor of Istanbul University Jerrahpasha, Turkey, R.Kaiyrzhanov, researcher at the Institute of Neurology, University College London, J.M. Tsotsonava, Head of the Department of Neurology, Astrakhan, Head of the Department of Neurology, Astrakhan, Russia.
S.A. Kurbatov, Senior Researcher, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Research Institute of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Voronezh State Medical University, Voronezh, T. Tumurov, Senior Researcher, Moscow Myasthenic Center, V.M. Buyanov State Clinical Hospital, Moscow.
The current conference is not only distinguished by the scale of the events, but also by the opportunity to provide narrow specialists with information that will change the approach in the diagnosis of diseases, expand opportunities for communication with foreign partners, and deepen international cooperation in the future. Since neurology, as a science, does not stand still, is rapidly developing, innovations are advancing, and new knowledge should be shared not only with young scientists, but also with practicing physicians of different specialties. And there is a need to list the symposiums: "Neurorehabilitation, experience and achievements", "Standard of neurological care - a guide to action", "Choice of treatment tactics for patients with multiple sclerosis: from theory to practice", "Parkinson's disease in the clinical practice of neurologist", "Practical neurology: questions and answers", "Current issues of epileptology. Epilepsy Surgery". The conference will include a master class "EEG video monitoring with expert class devices as part of pre-surgical diagnosis of epilepsy".
The competition among young scientists, discussion of the results of the two-day scientific forum and the ceremony of awarding certificates will conclude the conference. At the section of young scientists residents and doctoral students from MUA Astana, KRMU Almaty, Karaganda, KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov Almaty and our students of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation and Neurosurgery, Department of Hospital Therapy and Department of Radiation Diagnostics of SKMA shared the prizes. The conference is supported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, health departments of Turkestan region and Shymkent city.