From May 29 to June 30, 2023, 1st and 3rd year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" underwent field practice in Botany and Pharmacognosy at the Kaskasu base. Pharmacy students acquainted with the main types of medicinal plants growing in the area. They acquired skills in collecting, drying, herbarization, identification of life forms and morphological description of medicinal plants. Prior to the start of the practice, students familiarized with the safety rules during work in the field. The students performed daily work according to the plan, filled in practice diaries on time.

Raw materials harvested taking into account the rational use of resources, methods used to determine the reserves of wild medicinal plants in this region using the example of herbaceous, woody and shrubby plants. The students took a scientific approach to the protection and rational use of natural plant resources of Kazakhstan.

Students gained practical skills in collecting medicinal plant materials of various morphological groups, primary processing, drying and labeling of plant materials, conducting phytochemical analysis in the field, as well as herbarization of plants of various life forms (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants).

At the end of the practice, SKMA students-pharmacists successfully passed the differential test to the leaders of the practice, and also demonstrated the collected medicinal plant materials and the herbariums made.

On June 6, Korean representatives visited the educational and professional base for the cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants, located in the village of Kyeregetas, Tolebi district, Kaskasu village district, with a view to further cooperation. The guests were given a tour of the region, and also introduced to the medicinal plants of the local flora.


04.07.2023, 12:47