Post-COVID syndrome

On 22.02.2022, Assistants of the Department of "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases": Master of M.N. Amanova E.O., Toktarova G.A., Bathieva M. B., Rysbekova G.A., organized a scientific conference among students of the specialty of general medicine of the 3rd year of foreign countries on the topic "Postcovid syndrome".

The head teacher of the department "Propaedeutics of internal Diseases" Korganbayeva H.T. opened the conference and explained the relevance of the postcovid syndrome, the danger of complications and the importance of basic preventive measures. This analyzed topic is very important for future doctors. She wished all interested students further success.
Students of group B-ZHMSHA-05-19 Aman Fatima and Leishangthem Tonyblair noted that the COVID-19 virus has spread all over the world, has affected the quality of public health and has become an urgent problem that can even lead to death and damage the country's economy, which is especially important when carrying out rehabilitation measures.
During the conference, students commented on the medical term "Postcovid syndrome" and shared extensive information about complaints with this syndrome, anamnesis collection, physical examination methods, diagnostics, treatment methods, restorative, preventive measures, indications for hospitalization and features of patient management with postcovid syndrome. A prepared video recording of the bridge syndrome was also shown and explained.
The students answered the crossword and test questions prepared by the conference participants on this topic in order to establish feedback at a high level.
At this event, the invited cardiologist of the City Diagnostic Center, Master of Medical Sciences Rizakhodzhaev Abdumutalib Abdumazhitovich spoke, who gave additional information about the special danger of postcovid syndrome, methods of prevention and rehabilitation measures, and also shared his opinion about the clinical condition on his own experience.
At the end of the conference, Master of Medical Sciences, assistant of the Department of "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases" Amanova E.O. thanked the students who took an active part, with best wishes and letters of thanks.

24.02.2022, 19:27