Polypragmasy: problems and solution

From October 3, 2017 to October 4, 2018, the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology held a seminar on the topic “Polypragmasy: Problems and Solution” at South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The seminar was attended by 48 participants: heads of departments and teaching staff of SKMA. 

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Irrational use of drugs is a serious problem in all countries. According to WHO estimates, more than half of all medicines are incorrectly prescribed, dispensed or sold, and half of all patients receiving medicines incorrectly take them. According to the state program of health development "Densaulyk" for 2016-2019, at present great importance is attached to the rational use of medicines. Polyparmacy has serious consequences both for the patient (development of adverse reactions and resistance to therapy) and for the health care system (economic losses), which is particularly acute in conditions of limited funding.

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The training program included the following questions: polypragmasia; epidemiology, risk factors and clinical consequences of polypragmasia; features of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in patients of different age categories; undesirable side reactions and inter-drug interactions in patients with polypragmasia; programs of inter-drug interactions (restrictive lists of drugs, Beers criteria, STOP-START); algorithms for evidence deprescribing. During the seminar, both the didactic method of teaching and the work in small groups were used.

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The seminar was highly appreciated by the teahing staff of SKMA. It was proposed to bring the information of the seminar into educational programs, bring information to practical health care, increase the practice hours at the seminar.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department General Practitioner-2, G. N. Dosybayeva: “I would like to thank the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology for useful and informative information at the seminar, it should be used in the practice of doctors at all stages, to train interns, GP, as an additional practical skill. It is necessary to often exchange timely, relevant information between clinical departments. ”

Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology R.K. Dzhunusova:

“The seminar is very interesting and informative. We got interesting, necessary skills that need to be applied in educational and clinical practice.”

08.10.2018, 23:15