Poetry evening dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of Abay Kunanbaev

November 13, 2019 at the Department of Microbiology, according to the plan for educational work, an event was held with the participation of 2nd year students.

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Imagine our life without poetry ... Without congratulations to the holidays, without songs, without Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, contemporary authors .... It will be a boring life without an explosion of emotions expressed in simple letters on paper, without that little mysticism, when the same words, but written in a certain order, can touch to tears. The power of a word has a special energy that captivates and subjugates our imagination.

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Each of us has his own favorite poet, whose work we turn to at certain points in life. And on November 13 of this year, the guests of the evening heard declarations of love for poets who, through their work, managed to penetrate our hearts and souls, lit a melting candle of hope in them, aroused an unquenchable faith in goodness, justice and humanity.

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Students read the works of such great writers as: Abay Kunanbaev, Alexander Pushkin, William Shakespeare. Participants read poems in 4 languages - in Kazakh, Russian, English, Hindi. Students were awarded diplomas and gifts for their active participation. Guests of the event were Bayan Seitzhapparovna, chief specialist of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy, and Arailym, Deputy Dean of Tulbasiev. There was a proposal to organize an “Evening of Poetry” at the academy level.

15.11.2019, 04:45