PhD students of South Kazakhstan medical academy completed an internship in Krakow (Poland)

On June 29, the internship of PhD students of the Department of Social Health Insurance and Public Health Asylbek M.I. and Permenov B.A., which took place on the basis of the Krakow Hospital of the Jagiellonian University, ended. Jagiellonian University, one of the oldest and most prestigious educational institutions in Europe. A recent scientific visit focused on a critical aspect of medicine: the effectiveness of early rehabilitation in intensive care units (ICUs). The Jagiellonian University actively contributes to this field through rigorous research and clinical trials.
During the internship, PhD students became familiar with the equipment and principles of operation of the intensive care and rehabilitation department, together with the scientific consultant-ass. professor Olena Zimba, where they met a team of rehabilitation specialists headed by the head of the department Marta Liszniak, as well as the head of the intensive care department Tomasz Drygalski who successfully uses ECMO, which is indicated for patients with acute severe respiratory failure when traditional therapy with artificial ventilation is ineffective until irreversible changes in organs and tissues develop. Used for severe respiratory and/or heart failure, temporarily performing the functions of the heart and lungs, which allows the organs to recover. We participated in the examination of patients, attended lectures and seminars of doctors every day, where interesting clinical cases were discussed. In addition, issues of PhD students’ dissertation works were discussed with scientific consultant prof. O. Zimba and honorable Professor of «SKMA» Gasparyan A. Y. and further goals and objectives in scientific activities were disputed as well.

09.07.2024, 16:09