Pharmacy Week dedicated to the memory of Academician A.P. Arzamastsev

First Moscow State Medical University named by Sechenov (Sechenov University) together with the National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPhI) and the Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster Association organized, within the framework of the "Pharmacy Week", an international conference "Integration relations of pharmaceutical ecology in modern realities - 2023", dedicated to the memory of Academician A .P. Arzamastsev, which took place on November 13–16 this year.

According to the director of the Institute. A.P. Nelyubin, professor G.V. Ramenskaya, since the beginning of this year, all scientific and educational events in the form of conferences, round tables, Olympiads, competitions, hackathons have been held under the name of A.P. Arzamastseva. And the November events during Pharmacy Week are a summation of the year dedicated to a scientist and teacher with world renown and recognition in the field of pharmaceutical science and education. For this day, a special issue of the journal “Development and Registration of Medicines” was published with memories of colleagues, friends, and students about the outstanding scientist.

With the name A.P. Arzamastsev is associated with the formative years of our Academy. Even then, academic mobility began, and Professor A.P. provided invaluable assistance. Arzamastsev in the first years of its formation, organizing visiting lectures, seminars, and consultations with leading scientists. From 1983 to 1993 More than 15 employees of our university have completed the Moscow scientific and pedagogical school, studied in full-time targeted postgraduate studies and successfully defended their Ph.D. dissertations at Sechenov University. All of them are currently working in the field of pharmaceutical education, science and business, making a great contribution to the economic development of Kazakhstan, some of them live, work and succeed abroad (Russia, Belarus, Israel, USA, Germany, Poland, etc.).

Events at this forum, which took place at the Institute of Pharmacy named after. A.P. Nelyubin Sechenov University, were held at different venues: these are 5 scientific and educational sections, a school of scientific mentoring, student hackathons, competitions of student works, posters and logos, etc.
Staff and young scientists of the Academy took part in the conference in offline and online modes. The audience received the report of Professor S.K. Ordabayeva on the topic “Training specialists for the pharmaceutical industry in conditions of sustainable development in the Republic of Kazakhstan” with great interest. The features of 3-level education, issues of ensuring the quality of educational programs, dual education and many other aspects of training specialists were highlighted here using the example of the educational activities of our Academy.

Orynbassarova K.K. made a report “Medicinal plants: the unique flora of Kazakhstan”, which spoke about the rich flora of our country, natural reserves, untouched natural resources, wild and cultivated medicinal plants on the territory of the Kaskasu sports and recreation camp and the Yntymak training and production complex .
Durmanova M.I., President of the Association for the Support and Development of Pharmaceutical Activities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, made a report on the topic “Development of contract manufacturing in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Problems and solutions”, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in the country and across the EAEU.

At the competition of poster reports of English-speaking students, where more than 40 works were submitted, our Master's students worthily represented our Academy: Nursultankyzy M. presented a poster based on the results of her experiments on the topic “Study of water for the content of medicinal substances”, Abilova A. on the topic “Microbiological purity of fenugreek cultivated in the conditions of the Turkestan region as an indicator of the safety of use”.

Abdukarimova K. made a poster presentation on the topic “Chromatographic study of the oil extract of Artemisia Cina growing in South Kazakhstan.” According to the results of the competition, Nursultankyzy M. won 1st place, Abdukarimova K. became a nominee for 3rd place (both master's students in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry).

Thus, Pharmacy Week has become a productive platform for the exchange of opinions and experience in the field of pharmaceutical science, training of specialists for the pharmaceutical industry and a long-awaited meeting of the colleagues and students of the Teacher - Alexander Pavlovich Arzamastsev.

12.12.2023, 14:01