Partnership between the Samarkand state medical Institute (Uzbekistan, Sammi) and the South Kazakhstan medical Academy (Kazakhstan, SKMA)

According to the agreement between the Samarkand state medical Institute (Uzbekistan, Sammi) and the South Kazakhstan medical Academy (Kazakhstan, SKMA), within the framework of academic mobility, lectures and practical classes on biological chemistry were held for students of Sammi from 16.11.2020 to 28.12.2020. Lectures were given to 2nd year students of the faculty of medical pedagogy of Sammi in the discipline "Biological chemistry "(module 1). A lecture on the topic "Matrix synthesis of proteins" was given by the head of the Department of biology and biochemistry, Professor Marlen Makhmudovich yesirkepov and on the topic "protein Exchange" was read by acting Professor of the Department ablaeva Zahro Yuldashevna.

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Practical classes were held with students of the 2nd year of the 211 group of the faculty of medical pedagogy in the discipline "Biological chemistry "(module 1) on the topic "protein Exchange". Practical exercises using active teaching methods was conducted by the Professor of the Department of biology and biochemistry P. K. Kenzhebekov, acting Professor ablaeva, Z. Yu and senior teachers of the Department Atabekova A. B., Asilbekova G. K., lecturer Beisebayeva L. M.

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Colleagues Sammi headed by the head of the Department of biological chemistry assistant Professor Khalikov by Kahhara the Mirzayevich and students showed great interest and attention to lectures and conducted practical classes. Oksana Vladislavovna, assistant of the Department of biological chemistry, Sammi Kim, did a great job in organizing timely classes.

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Cooperation in the framework of academic mobility between the departments of Sammi and SKMA is planned to continue.

29.12.2020, 01:43