Participation of residents of infectious diseases and interns-pediatricians in the International scientific and practical conference

March 1, 2019, in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Scientific Center of Pediatrics and pediatric surgery was organized the international scientific-practical conference "Young researchers: challenges and prospects of the development of modern Pediatrics and pediatric surgery", which was attended by residents and medical interns, prepared by the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology. Residents infectious disease specialists 1st year of study Sadykhova D. and Abdumutaluly D. made oral presentations, Musayeva B. and Sauyt G., Shalabayev S.K., Kamilzhanuly A. S. - with poster presentations, and doctors interns pediatricians Mamyr N. B., Zhambylova A.,Turdykul A., Darkhanov A., Myktybekov I. presented their poster presentations.

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Participants of the conference from SKMA demonstrated high scientific potential, public speaking skills and gained extensive experience of communication with young scientists from many research centers, Universities of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad. In the category "Best poster presentation" Darkhanov A., Myktybekov I. was awarded 3rd place. The results of scientific works of participants from SKMA were published in the journal "Pediatrics and pediatric surgery".

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11.03.2019, 10:27