Participation in the International Olympiad at Sechenov University

As part of the internship program, which took place on the basis of the Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubina of the Sechenov University (Moscow, RF), 5th year student of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the SKMA Rustembekova Aidana (Head - рrofessor S.K. Ordabayeva) took part in the student Olympiad.

The VII International Olympiad in Organic Chemistry, organized by the Institute of Pharmacy of Sechenov University, was attended by about 70 students from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Volgogorad, Vitebsk (Belarus) and Shymkent (Kazakhstan) universities.
The Olympiad surprised with a creative, non-standard approach to holding the stages of the competition. In addition to tasks that require not only knowledge of organic chemistry, but also logical thinking, solving situational problems, the participants were asked questions that require fairly good knowledge of the history of chemistry and its advanced achievements.

According to the results of the Olympiad, Rustembekova Aidana was among the winners, who noted that the questions required integrated knowledge in the core disciplines of pharmaceutical chemistry, toxicological chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy and pharmaceutical technology.
Director of the Institute of Pharmacy G.V. Ramenskaya also noted that the winners of the Olympiad will be supported by Sechenov University and they will have the opportunity to be included in the University's scientific projects and differentiate individual educational trajectories. Involving talented young people in research is one of the goals of the Priority 2030 Strategic Academic Leadership Program, of which Sechenov University is a participant.

27.06.2022, 14:06