Cooperation with the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named by I.K. Akhunbaev (KSMA, Bishkek, KR) is carried out on the basis of a Memorandum between SKMA and KSMA. Within the framework of this Agreement, joint activities in educational and research areas are being carried out between the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKMA and the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines of KSMA.

In the current academic year, at the invitation of the leadership of KSMA, an academic mobility program for prof. S.K. Ordabayeva and acting ass. prof. A.D. Serikbayeva. The program included master classes, webinars, lectures for teachers, doctoral students, graduate students and students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

So, Ordabayeva S.K. a number of cycles were conducted on pharmaceutical chemistry, on physicochemical methods of analysis of drugs, on monographs of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Pharmacopoeia of the EAEU, the development of regulatory documents, quality control and standardization of aromatic, heterocyclic drugs, steroid compounds, etc. Problems of plant research were raised flora of Kazakhstan. Of particular interest to the audience were the issues of obtaining medicines of natural and synthetic origin, problems of purity and quality indicators, the choice of sensitive and reproducible methods of analysis, etc.

Serikbayeva A.D. The issues of chemical-toxicological analysis of “medicinal” poisons and pesticides are considered: toxicological significance, biotransformation pathways, general and specific methods of isolation, factors affecting the yield of the target analyte, preliminary and confirmatory identification methods.

The interpretation of the obtained results is discussed, taking into account the degree of influence of ballast substances, the effects of isolation conditions and the capabilities of identification techniques on the obtained analytical effect.

The trajectories of further cooperation between specialized departments within the framework of students’ practical training, the development of joint educational programs, joint scientific research and forums on pharmaceutical science and education were discussed.

14.05.2024, 12:29