"Organizational and clinical aspects of urological morbidity in the South of Kazakhstan"

Under this heading, on October 14, 2022, an international scientific conference "Organizational and clinical aspects of urological morbidity in the South of Kazakhstan" was held, organized by the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy and the Public Association "Urologists of South Kazakhstan".

The following participants took part in the international conference and made speeches: Marlen Yessirkepov– candidate of medical sciences, professor, First Vice-chancellor of JSC "SKMA"; Nurmashev Bekaidar Kaldybayevich – candidate of medical sciences, professor of the Department of biology and biochemistry; Anuar Amanov - MD, Chairman of the Board of the NCU, President of CACU and KAUA. Chief Urologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Bulat Shalekenov– MD, Professor, Chairman of the NGO "Men's Health"; Gyurkhan Kaba - Director of Global Marketing of the GRAND MEDICAL Group of companies (Turkey); Lyudmila Ermukhanova– Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Public Health and Healthcare", NAO "ZKMU named after M.Ospanov".

The report of the moderator, MD, Director of the National center of urology, chief urologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anuar Amanov "Dynamics of the development of urological service in modern conditions (using the data of the National center of urology as an example)" was interesting.
It should be emphasized the report of MD, Professor, Chairman of the NGO "Men's Health" Bulat Shalekenov "Men's health of the Republic of Kazakhstan-yesterday, today, tomorrow".
Associate Professor of the Department of research and development at the University of Birmingham (Dudley, UK) Armen Gasparyan focused on the aging of men and the activity of testosterone.
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of IKTU, chief urologist of Turkestan region Shyngys Baymenov focused on the state, problems, prospects of the urological service of Southern Kazakhstan.

Leading scientists of Kazakhstan together with practicing doctors, surgeons, urologists, andrologists, as well as interns, postgraduates and doctoral students examined the incidence among the male population through narrow specialized specialties, shared the results of scientific research, proposed active international cooperation between partner universities, scientific medical centers in Europe and Asia.

All participants of the scientific forum received certificates.

19.10.2022, 14:00