Organization of the educational process in distance educational technologies in JSC "SKMA"

These days, the educational process at the Academy is organized by distance educational technologies (DET), there are all the necessary conditions for organizing the educational process by DET.

AIS Platonus is used as the main tool for the implementation of DET. The information system is focused on the organization of interaction between the teacher and students and is designed to organize distance learning courses. Digital learning resources for distance learning are located in the "Task" section and are attached to the disciplines according to the working curriculum, syllabuses and training periods.

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The “Task” section stores the portfolio of each student: all the work submitted to him, assessments and comments of the teacher, personal messages. The technical capabilities of the "Section" allow the teacher to control the "attendance" - the students' activity, the time of their academic work, collect statistics on students (their download, home building performance, setting test scores), set the material for further study. The student is provided with network access to the necessary educational and methodological materials focused on independent study.

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The educational process is implemented using the DET, which is based on the focused and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can study in a convenient place for himself and at a convenient time, observing the established training regulations.

19.03.2020, 23:11