Open session using the standardized patient techniqueat the Department of «Surgery, Oncology and Traumatologу»
On October 24, 2023 at 11:00 o’clock, in SKMA, in the center of practical skills (CPS), the assistant of the department of “Surgery, Oncology and Traumatology” M.T. Duisebekov conducted an open lesson using the standardized patient (SP) method on the topic: “Providing medical care for open fractures of the leg bones,” with the participation of students of GMKG 05-20,GMKG 06-20 groups.The lesson was attended by the head of the department of “Surgery, Oncology and Traumatology”, Dr. med. sciences, prof.head of the departmentAbdurakhmanov B.A., Head of the Central Clinical Hospital KalmenovN.Zh., Head of the Methodological Department Rasheva B.M., Instructor doctors of the Central Clinical Hospital Omarova G.S., Seitbekova A.A., assistant professorEsmembetov I.I., ass. Yusupov A.M., ass. Usmanov M.A., ass. Abdramanova A.K. and students of GMKG 05-20,GMKG06-20 groups. Head of the department prof. Abdurakhmanov B.A. delivered a greeting and emphasized the relevance of the problem of open fractures of the tibia in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The implementation of clinical tasks using SP is included in the curriculum and takes the form of simulation of medical care and demonstration of practical skills.
Within the scope of the topic of the lesson, students gradually completed the following algorithm of actions for providing medical care for open fractures of the leg bones: 1) Providing first aid to a victim of a traffic accident, the first passerby, applying a tourniquet in case of bleeding; 2) Providing medical care by emergency medical personnel; 3) Reception of the patient by emergency room doctors from the emergency medical team; 4)Examination of the patient by an ultrasound doctor; 5) Imitation of surgical treatment (surgical surgical treatment of the wound, reposition) of a fibula fracture; 6) Аt the stage of first aid аpplying a plaster splint to the patient.
The purpose of the lesson was to explain and master the algorithm of actions for students in case of open fractures of the tibia bones in a patient within the framework of communication between the joint venture.
The inclusion of SP in the educational process allows students to learn the diagnosis and treatment according to the protocol for fractures of the tibia, including cases of complications, filling out the necessary documents for injury (fractures of the tibia) (certificate, etc.).
Interaction with the SP in the scope of this lesson allows you to master the following skills: providing first aid for injuries of the lower extremities, using a plaster cast and applying plaster, maintaining asepsis and proper hand washing (open fracture), rules for filling out documentation (notices, medical histories), rules for removing plaster and primary surgical intervention for fractures
At the end of the lesson, the head shared their opinion and assessed the open lesson. head of the departmentAbdurakhmanov B.A., head TsPNKalmenovN.Zh., head. method. departmentRasheva B.M., doctors instructors of the Central Clinical Hospital Omarova G.S., Seitbekova A.A., all employees of the department. All participants who spoke noted the high methodological level of preparation in organizing an open lesson and the excellent level of demonstration of communication and practical skills in conducting clinical scenarios using SP.
The inclusion of SP in the educational process allows you to plan specific learning outcomes through the use of clinical scenarios for the diagnosis and treatment of open fractures of the tibia with their repeated, painless repetition and adaptation to the needs of students, without the threat of harm to real patients. This technique also contributes to the development of communication skills in students and allows for optimization of the educational and methodological process, which is an important task of modern medical education.