On 25th March, 2022, at 09.00 am Department of "Pharmacognosy" carried out an open lecture on the topic "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing anthracene derivatives and their glycosides" on the discipline "Pharmacognosy" with the use of active teaching methods in a distance format for 3rd year students from the groups PhK-03-19; PhK-04-19 according to the educational program 6B10106 "Pharmacy".
The lecture was given by candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, acting Professor Orynbassarova K.K. with the participation of co-lecturers Mamykova R.U., Candidate of Biological Sciences, acting associate Professor of the Department of Biology of South Kazakhstan state pedagogical university and a pharmacist of the pharmacy "Zerde" - Atem U.N.

The day before, students were sent handouts on the topic of the lecture to WhatsApp chat, on which they prepared their questions of interest. At the beginning of the lecture, the lecturer sorted the questions by their semantic content. The presentation of the material was constructed not as an answer to each question asked, but in the form of a coherent disclosure of the topic, during which the appropriate answers were formulated.
Students were especially interested in the distribution of anthracene derivatives in the plant world, the use of medicinal plant materials (MPM) containing this group of biologically active substances (BAS), as well as many other issues.
This lecture was held as a press conference, during which the biologist Mamykova R.U. told the students about the accumulation of anthracene derivatives in MPM, and its importance in the national economy. And in turn, the pharmacist Atem U.N. explained about the pharmacological action of drugs with this group of BAS, as well as their side effects.

Students' questions about the physicochemical properties of MPM containing anthracene derivatives, isolation methods, and qualitative analysis were explained by the main lecturer Orynbasarova K.K.
During the lecture, a video was shown on the quantitative determination of anthracene derivatives using the photoelectrocolorimetry method, which contributed to a better assimilation of the new topic.

To consolidate new knowledge and update existing ones, a Quiz program with pre-prepared questions was used.

In a fairly short period of time, it was possible to touch on all aspects of the topic being studied, moreover, each student was able to find answers to his questions. Thanks to the professionalism of the lecturers, it was possible to compare theory and practice in real time.

31.03.2022, 12:34