Open lecture: Ethics. Philosophy of Values

On November 21, senior teacher of the department of “Social and Humanitarian Disciplines” T. Sabitov held an open lecture in the discipline “Philosophy” on the topic “Ethics. Philosophy of Values" for 2nd year foreign students V-ZHMSHAB-09,10-22 in English.
Teachers from the educational department of the educational institution, the departments of “History of Kazakhstan and social and social disciplines” and “Social and humanitarian disciplines” took part in the open lesson.
Using an active learning method, historical types of ethical teachings and the basics of the theory of values, the concept of value, rules of morality and law were taught. Feedback was provided during the lesson, students expressed their thoughts on the problems being analyzed, and questions were fully answered.
After the open lesson, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition of specially designed textbooks, teaching aids, scientific collections, and periodicals on this topic.

01.02.2024, 13:48