On November 3, senior teacher of the department “History of Kazakhstan and social disciplines” A. Kabyl held an open lecture on the discipline History of Kazakhstan on the topic “Implementation of the Soviet model of state construction” for 1st year students in the educational program “Medicine”. The open lesson was attended by the Academic Unit, teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social Disciplines, teachers of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, and the head of the department. In order to determine the historical processes of the implementation of the Soviet totalitarian regime that took place in the 20-30s of the twentieth century, the lesson was conducted using an active learning method. The content of the lecture was presented in an information form prepared on the basis of scientific research materials. Plots presented through schematic drawings, maps, photographs and video frames influence students’ ability to develop their knowledge of the history of the country and improve their preparation for studies. Feedback was provided during the lesson, students expressed their thoughts on the problems being analyzed, and questions were fully answered. After the open lesson, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition of specially prepared textbooks, teaching aids, scientific collections and periodicals on the specified topic.

15.11.2023, 10:40