Online workshop «Criteria-based assessment»

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On October 22-23 and 29-30, 2020, an online workshop on «Criteria-based assessment» was held. Criteria-based assessment system in the modern educational process as a way to determine the degree of implementation of educational goals and achievement of planned learning outcomes. The purpose, objectives, principles, practical significance and possibilities of criteria-based assessment were considered. To analyze the achievement of students learning outcomes in accordance with the curriculum, to establish the relationship between teacher and students, as well as to identify features of the educational process and learning the introduction of сriteria-based assessment in the learning process. Introduction of criteria-based assessment in the educational process, through a seminar and an open dialogue with departments. The creation of focus groups at the departments. Development of criteria-based assessment tools by the teaching staff and their application in the educational process. 

The materials of the seminar are available on the website under the heading "RET".

04.11.2020, 14:09