Online videoconference on communication platform G-global titled “Suicide among young people and the problem of terrorism and religious extremism”

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On November 25, 2015 at the Academy hall there was held a round table on the theme: “Suicide among young people and the problem of terrorism and religious extremism”.

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The event was held on communication platform G-global and organized by Youth Policy Sector. Medet Khalykov, a specialist theologian of South-Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Department of internal policy of SKR; Akylzhan Zholdasov, naib-imam of city mosque D. Shyngysbay kazhy; Elvira Talgatkyzy Zulfikharova, an Assistant Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology, Department MD, a psychiatrist; Gaukhar Yeruzakhovna Tolebayeva, a teacher of Neurology, Psychiatry and Psychology Department, Master of Medicine, neurologist took part in this conference.

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There were  the debates during this on-line videoconference, there were discussed the problems of suicide, terrorism and religious extremism and the ways of their prevention. Participants were awarded certificates. 

04.12.2015, 03:21