Online Courses on the Padlet virtual Whiteboard

The role of the distance learning system is currently very important for the education sector, as through this system, teachers and students have the opportunity to communicate with the world information, expand their knowledge in an online format, improve their scientific and creative work, update their knowledge in the world information space. You can also study through online courses, that is, it is an online resource with interactive participation and open access, which allows anyone to take a particular disciplinary course and pass the exam online. To date, the most developed and widespread international online courses are considered to be the Coursera, edX, Open2Study, and Khan Academy platforms.

The Department of Distance Education Technologies has compiled a list of online courses of international platforms on the virtual board «Padlet». Follow this link you can go to the Padlet virtual board. Speaking about some of the advantages of the online course, you can note:

- Individual learning rate.

- Convenient training time for you. You will not need to adjust to the group

- There is no need to spend money on training manuals. All the necessary materials for education will be available to you online already inside the course

- Ability to obtain a certificate

With the development of modern information and communication technologies and the formation of the information society, everyone should know and receive information about the online course. Because online courses are an innovative method of educating users, which contributes to the creation of a new culture of learning, communication, collaboration, learning through the Internet, and academic communities.

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05.05.2021, 06:17