The Department of Pharmacognosy developed an online course "Commodity Analysis of Medicinal Plant Materials" for 2nd and 3rd year students of the educational program "Pharmacy" and for 3rd year students of the educational program "Technology of Pharmaceutical Production" on the Stepik platform and the online course "Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plant materials containing flavonoids" on the Moodle platform.
The methods available to students for conducting and compiling tasks through video lessons, online courses are becoming relevant today. Features of medial distance learning tools at present, it is necessary to interest students as much as possible in the learning process. In this context, you can creatively and effectively conduct classes or webinars using the Stepik, Moodle programs.
The purpose of the online course is to provide the students of the educational programs "Pharmacy", "Pharmaceutical production technology" with access to education and skills through the introduction of online courses (on Stepik, Moodle programs).
The following tasks were set during the study:
- Consider the features of video lessons and the benefits of their use with interest in the learning process;
- Analysis of the use of multimedia in teaching;
- Features of distance learning;
- Features of the means of medial distance learning.
Currently, among non-traditional forms of education, online courses are becoming increasingly popular, bringing together tens of thousands of students from all over the world, allowing new knowledge through interaction with the outside world.
One such course is the Stepik educational platform and the Moodle program, designed to create and distribute interactive educational content, as well as to provide various types of tasks that are automatically scored using real-time feedback.
Advantages of the Stepik educational platform:
- you can expand the boundaries of the educational process: there is the possibility of access to educational materials from any place convenient for students;
- extracurricular activities that do not depend on the time frame and encourage students to self-educate;
- expands the opportunities for participation in the training of disabled people;
- economically, there is no need to buy personal computers and traditional educational literature;
- makes it easier for users to distribute educational materials over wireless networks;
- the process of assimilation and memorization of this material is facilitated, interest in the subject increases.
The video lessons included in the Stepik program are combined into 3 modules according to their purpose and task:
- Commodity analysis of medicinal plant materials;
- Pharmacognostical analysis of medicinal plant materials;
- Phytochemical analysis of medicinal plant materials.
Video recording consists of several stages:
- Narration;
- Acquaintance with chemical vessels and tools;
- Explanation of the technique of performing laboratory work;
- Feedback.
Moodle is an educational e-learning course management system (e-learning), also known as the Moodle learning management system or the Moodle virtual learning environment. It is an abbreviation for English. Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.
It is a free (distributed under the GNU GPL license) web application that provides the ability to create sites for online learning. The first version was written on August 20, 2002, since then new versions have appeared regularly, on January 16, 2023 version 4.1.1 was released.
Moodle is currently one of the most non-traditional types of education that brings together tens of thousands of students from all over the world, allowing them to gain new knowledge through interaction with the outside world.
Advantages of the Moodle platform:
- you can expand the boundaries of the educational process: access to educational materials can be obtained from any place convenient for students;
- conduct classes outside the classroom, regardless of the time frame and motivate students to self-educate;
- a large selection of tools for creating an online course;
- economically, there is no need to buy personal computers and traditional educational literature.
The Moodle platform consists of several stages:
- Narration;
- Familiarization with tools and explanation of laboratory techniques;
- Feedback.
The Moodle platform is integrated in 4 steps:
- Video lessons;
- situational situations;
- Tests;
- Literature.
The advantages of introducing an open online course into the educational process, which contribute to mastering the professionalism of students:
- contributes to the deepening of knowledge, the development of the ability to apply scientific methods, a deep understanding of the connections and relationships between the objects of study;
- teaches to increase the cognitive activity of students, generalize, analyze, develop the ability to compare, find interdisciplinary connections, influences the activation of students' creative activity;
- encouraging students to self-educate;
- the formation of a scientific approach, teaching the ability to organize independent and group work, fostering a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, the formation of teamwork skills.
Using video lessons on the above programs in the educational process, one can see an increase in the level of perception and assimilation of new material by students, the formation of knowledge and skills at the level of a higher educational institution. Therefore, we can say that the use of online courses, video lessons in the educational process is one of the most effective learning formats.