Оnline courses «General Microbiology» and «Private Microbiology»

Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, MD, Professor B.T. Seitkhanova prepared online courses on «General Microbiology»  and «Private Microbiology»  on the Stepik platform. These online courses are designed for students of all educational programs in which the discipline is conducted.
At the online course "General Microbiology", a video was shot on the following topics of practical classes.
(A simple way of coloring. A complex method of staining, the method of staining by Gram. Fixation of the drug. The method of damage to the chicken embryo. Structure and rules of functioning of microbiological and virological laboratories. Classification of nutrient media and rules for their preparation. The technique of sowing microorganisms in a dense and liquid nutrient medium. 1 stage of isolation of pure culture of microorganisms. Morphology of bacteria. The rule of microscopic examination. Drug resistance of bacteria. Determination of the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics)
The filmed video tutorial allows students to prepare for a practical lesson even after school hours.
Online courses on "Private Microbiology" are delivered in the form of a video lecture in the state language. The questions of the lecture are fully disclosed according to the plan. The lecture is fully equipped with a visual illustration. The presentation presents materials with visual diagrams for each pathogen of their cultural properties, resistance, epidemiology, pathogenicity factors of the pathogen, pathogenesis, clinic, immunity, diagnosis, study material, treatment, prevention. The pathogenicity factors of the pathogen are described in detail, as well as the trends of penetration of each viral, bacterial pathogen into the cell are described on the slides. Modern methods of laboratory diagnostics, including express diagnostics, bacteriological, virological, serological methods are presented in a form understandable to students. The lecture contains control questions as feedback for mastering topics. An online course in the form of a video lecture prepared for future specialists will give an opportunity to master the subject in a timely manner as a necessary material and will help to systematize the knowledge gained.

06.09.2023, 10:59