On 1st April, 2016 by Department of Cooperation and academic mobility, the Council of the student self-government of the West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov conducted an online-conference at the communicative platform «G-global» on topic «State and perspectives of academic mobility in medical universities of RK ".

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Academic Mobility Program - a chance to expand their horizons, to visit another country and get a unique experience of training in a higher education institution of another country.

The aim of this online conference was to find out ways to improve the mechanisms for the implementation of academic mobility, the deepening of cooperation with the partner-universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, discuss the possibilities of training and internship abroad as part of grant programs.

Рarticipants of the videoconference: JSC "Astana Medical University", KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, State Medical University of Semey, Karaganda State Medical University, South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy. Every speakers, attending students and academic staff shared their  experience and information on the state of academic mobility, the further implementation of the program of external and internal mobility of students and teachers.

G.A. Duysebaeva, head of the department of international cooperation and academic mobility in WKSMU named after M.Ospanov, briefed the functioning of the academic mobility of students and teachers, highlighting the most important aspects of academic education and health of students enrolled in the external and internal academic mobility.

Also it was considered the question by speaker of the Medical University of Astana on the financing and writing agreements with leading foreign universities..

South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy at the online-conference was presented by 5th - year students on 507 PhR group and teacher A.Madalikyzy, undergraduates: B.A.Bakhtiyarova, R.A.Kozykeeva. Speaker R.A.Kozykeeva  acquainted the the participants with the activities of academic mobility of students and stressed that it is necessary to improve the program and make it available to many students.

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507 PhR student  Marianne Aliyeva  thanked the organizers and participants for making the online-conference on academic mobility.

17.04.2016, 23:39